Friday, November 28, 2008

Subaru Forester 2.0 - Test drive

Sunny weekend in Transylvania, we decided to go out and try a Subaru Forester owned by a friend. The 2.0L, 150HP boxer engine goes smooth and has quite enough power for this car. Very well balanced, it keeps you on the right trajectory in curves, due to the permanent 4x4 and a system that makes the inside wheels to rotate less.

Now it's time to see how it goes uphill...

Transylvanian forests are easy to go through for the mighty Forester
This car goes everywhere, and the price is very good compared to others in the same class.
Only one other car has brought us so high, it was the Land Rover Freelander 2. However, the Forester is now my dream of a car.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Concert Araneum

Niste poze de la primul concert Araneum, in Tampere, baru' Peyton Place. Din pacate, sunetele lipsesc momentan, insa dupa prelucrarea filmarii, ne putem astepta sa si auzim ceva.
Ce scrie acolo in spate nu e numele trupei, ci numele clubului de metal al universitatii tehnice din Tampere - TTYkitys.
Pentru cine nu stie, io-s in naveta spatiala a formatiei Araneum, muncind acolo in spate cu scopul evident de a face galagie cat mai mare.
Prezentarea formatiei nu se poate vedea momentan pe si nici demo-u' nu e gata. Da' cine stie, poate in curand.
Pozele nu-s prea multe si nici nu trebe sa fie. Cronica de concert nu pot sa scriu, atat ca am auzit ca atmosfera o fost faina, da' io nu prea am vazut nimic ca faceam acolo un zgomot infernal, nici nu eram sigur ce cantec se canta...


Am gasit aici in sat, dupa ce am trecut de multe ori pe acolo, o chestie faina... avand in vedere ca friglandezu, si omu in general, simte nevoia de un pipi imediat dupa ce iese din bar, experienta oamenilor care locuiesc prin centru... ui la astia... o pus un pisoar acolo si o scris, tradus... "mai bine in asta decat pe poarta"... faina idee.

Trecem iar la toamna ca inca nu i gata de tot. Am plecat la plimbare sa gasim statuia ascunsa a lui mr. Mannerheim, un tip din cauza caruia, cred eu, Frigland a scapat de comunism... nu ieftin, au murit destui friglandezi "rosii", da' acuma ni ce bine li. Adica lupta dintre "albi" si "rosii" din Tampere a fost crunta si au murit multi friglandezi aici, de aia nu i-au pus statuia in centru. In schimb, in alte sate, precum Hesinki, mr Mannerheim e apreciat la adevarata lui valoare, avand strada principala cu numele lui si statuie la vedere.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prin culorile toamnei

In Frigland a venit toamna de ceva vreme si de atunci ne incanta privirea cu niste culori superbe. Nici nu prea am cuvinte sa descriu peisajele asa ca las pozele sa vorbeasca.
Intr-o zi am fost in padure sa hranim veveritele si Daffy Duck a prins de veste ca e rost de haleala.

In piata de peste si multe alte nimicuri, am gustat si eu din ceva somon, "la masa" cu un mos friglandez

Si apoi m-am dus sa ma dau pe o bicicleta antica... mai mult pe loc...

Cam asa arata pe aici prin sat, is curios daca cineva o sa adune frunzele de pe jos. Momentan is faine asa cum is.

Pe cladirea aia fost fabrica, acum muzeu, scrie asa: Vapriikki. Cine imi zice de la ce vine si din ce limba?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

First ride

As a destination for my first true ride, we choose the medieval city called Sighisoara. This is a photo in the covered stairs of the city.

Night flies fast, and in the morning our friend offers us a traditional Romanian breakfast. Vegetables come directly from his garden.
Chairs are not for us. The meal is great, all food is 100% natural and tasty.
Starting an off road bike.
Traveling on a bike can be tiring, but it is beautiful.
Classical Transylvanian landscape.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First thoughts

We, Romanians, are a very inventive nation. We don't create a problem out of a parking place. We can find them everywhere among the communist neighborhoods.

Our mountains are so beautiful... the silence and the landscapes are amazing. The legends rule over the mists and you can feel it everywhere.
And we know how to take care of the mountains well, so every "vitun turisti" can enjoy.
The translation of that would be: the forests reflect the moral and material condition of a nation.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Trip from Finland to Romania

Second time, by car, straight South from Tampere to Cluj-Napoca, this time as a vacation. First stop is Tallinn, with its pretty old town. Always a pleasure to visit and walk around. We don't forget to stop at "Beer House" where they have one of the best beers I have tasted.

Do you have enough money? He has...A stop in Kaunas, Lithuania. No, it's not Kosovo or Baghdad, it's Kaunas...

... right across the street from this one.
The statue of what? Of a man.
This is something all Romanians should try...
The best looking place in Kaunas, trees are cut like in Paris and cars are not allowed.
This is to remind you that even Poland built a car once... called Polonez... and still working.
We have a joke with this hamburger guitar, but it requires gestures.
I simply love war machines... while not @ wörk. This is the famous T34, from Russian side.

This is Russian plane, I don't know any make or model.
But yes, I would like to fly on its wings.
And here, we proudly present, the victory against fascism and the 3rd Reich. Thank God they won! Who know where we (eastern block) would be today without our friends, who used to roam around eastern Europe in their T34s? Certainly somewhere else, closer to the present maybe.
This "statue" still stands in Slovakia, symbolizing the big thank we all (eastern Europe) owe to Mother Russia and Mr. Churchill.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Olavinlinna sau castelu lu' Olaf

Actualmente situat in oraselul Savonlinna, castelul a fost construit de domnul Erik Axelsson, un tip din Danemarca (da' fiindca si atunci tarile nordice aveau ceva intelegere, castelu era suedez de fapt) incepand cu anul 1475 ca punct strategic impotriva ideilor expansioniste ale mamei Rusia. Ni s-a explicat ca era o minune in vremurile alea cand pe aici nu traia mai nime' si cand veneai tu, ca respectabil cetatean rus, sa jefuiesti nimicu care era aici si vedeai castelu' ti se cam facea pielea de gaina. Oricum cica l-au si cucerit o data (1743) dupa lupte seculare, adica fo 2 luni asa... si dupa o vreme s-o plictisit si s-o carat.

Numele lui inseamna Castelu lu' domnu' Olaf, care a trait cu fo suta-doua de ani inaintea construirii si care a devenit sfant ca multi altii, desi in timpul vietii a produs nenumarate victime umanitatii.

Pentru cei cu buzunaru larg este posibila vizionarea castelului din hidroavion. Imi pastrez aceasta posibilitate pentru mai incolo.
Aici is io, tata si mama vikingilor, cu domnu Olaf din care nu se vede nimic decat armura.
Castelu i construit pe o insula si podu ca sa intri i numa pt turisti. Prin unele camere, in castel, piatra stancii iese prin podea, da' asa o vrut ei sa-l faca.

Cea mai mica orga din Frigland. Ca asa ne-a explicat: fiecare castel tre sa aiba ceva: cea mai mare orga, cea mai tare orga, blablabla... no bine, asta o are pe cea mai mica.
Mini tunu asta nu era pt macelarit dusmanii, nu, era pentru semnalizat diverse...
Asta era pentru dusmani, cu dedicatie.
Aici se vede contributia fiecarui stapanitor al castelului. De exemplu partea rosiatica de caramida a fost construita de rusi.

(thanks to Stane)
Iesitura aia din turn i buda. Foarte igienica pentru castel.
Si in incheiere, vedere din buda.